Command Logos

U.S. Fleet Cyber Command Mission

The mission of Fleet Cyber Command is to plan, coordinate, integrate, synchronize, direct, and conduct the full spectrum of cyberspace operational activities required to ensure freedom of action across all of the Navy's warfighting domains in, through, and from cyberspace, and to deny the same to the Navy's adversaries.

U.S. Fleet Cyber Command Vision

Fleet Cyber Command’s vision is to conduct operations in and through cyberspace, the electromagnetic spectrum, and space to ensure Navy and Joint/Coalition freedom of action and decision superiority while denying the same to our adversaries. We will win in these domains through our collective commitment to excellence and by strengthening our alliances with entities across the US government, Department of Defense, academia, industry, and our foreign partners.

Commander, Naval Space Command

The mission of COMNAVSPACECOM is to plan, integrate, coordinate and conduct full-spectrum space domain operations for United States Space Command (USSPACECOM), in concert with joint, interagency and other partners. COMNAVSPACECOM, in coordination with USSPACECOM, sets operational requirements for space capabilities to defend the Fleet, support maritime operations, allow freedom of maneuver and impose cost on adversaries.

U.S. TENTH Fleet Mission

The mission of Tenth Fleet is to plan, monitor, direct, assess, communicate, coordinate, and execute operations to enable command and control and set the conditions for subordinate commands by:

  • Serving as the numbered fleet for U.S. Fleet Cyber Command and exercise operational control over U.S. Fleet Cyber Command-assigned forces.
  • Directing and delivering desired tactical and operational effects in and through cyberspace, space and the electromagnetic spectrum to Navy commanders worldwide and ensure successful execution of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command-assigned mission areas.